Diverter plunger assembly

Part Number: 40X8722

          Status:  In Stock

  • The availability of Lexmark parts is subject to change without notice..
RoHS compliant

Part #: 40X8722 is compatible with:

Model Name: Model Number:
Staple Punch Finisher 9025-048
Staple Finisher 9025-049
Offset Stacker 0464-OFS
Output Expander 9015-019
High Capacity Output Expander 9015-020
4-Bin Mailbox 9065-015
Offset Stacker 9015-019
Staple Punch Finisher 0464-SHP
High Capacity Output Expander 0464-HCO
Output Expander 0464-OXP
4-Bin Mailbox 0464-4MB
Staple Finisher 0464-FNS