ADF rollers

Part Number: 41X2848

          Status:  In Stock

  • The availability of Lexmark parts is subject to change without notice..
RoHS compliant

This kit includes:

•ADF pick roller
•ADF separator roller

Part #: 41X2848 is compatible with:

Model Name: Model Number:
Lexmark CX730de 7530-236
Lexmark CX735adse 7530-678
Lexmark XC4342 7530-239
Lexmark XC4352 7530-679
Lexmark MX632adwe 7020-686
Lexmark MX532adwe 7020-486
Lexmark CS531dw 5031-280
Lexmark XM3350 7020-689
Lexmark C2335 5031-290
Lexmark CX532adwe 7531-286
Lexmark XC2335 7531-289
Lexmark CX635adwe 7531-686
Lexmark CS632dwe 5031-685
Lexmark CX737 7530-878